Assalamualaikum semua..hey..guess what...bangun je pagi2 terus pikir...oh ner laaa anim nak hadapi test SPEAKING MUET neh haaa..dah la kene awal2 pagi..buat kiranya anim xbangun plak kan pg tu..memang sedap la yer..huuuu..adoi....
Actually anim punye speaking test neh ari SELASA 21/2/2012/..time??7.30am okies..thats make me worry a lot!!memandang kan sekarang neh tengah cuti mid anim kena gerak pegi poly pepagi buta larh...hey..sumpah saya CUAK!!what mean by CUAK?ok2..cuak tu TAKOT lorh..hee..
Memandang kan anim tak amek kelas muet so gini la jadi nyer..gelabah tahap cipan..cipan pown xgelabah cam neh tawu? here..anim nak share sikit ilmu sal SPEAKING TEST for u guys yang nak mek speaking test neh GOOD LUCK lets check it out..:)
Speaking test
If you can speak English naturally, please do all you can to convince the examiners that you have a good command of English during you individual presentation. Otherwise, use short sentences, put forward your main ideas in simple grammatically correct sentences. Do not just harp on a single point, try a few points, the positive side and negative side of an issue, etc. to show that you are not a narrow-minded student.
In the group discussion, you would be able to get a good score if you could lead the discussion. Be warned though, do not overdo it. Give others the opportunities to speak too. You should be polite, try to keep the flow of the discussion and help out should any of the fellow students got stuck in mid-sentence or is stammering. Remember, lead the discussion, keep its flow ("What do you think about this issue?") but do not be extravagant! Like it or not, this test is subjective and you will most probably not get a perfect score here. diatas neh anim godek2 kt PAKCIK GOOGLE hope ley la bantu kiter sikit sebanyak...sape2 ada pendapat ke link..kasi lor...last but not least..anim nak wish to all sape yang amek muet this time n adew test..GOOD LUCK u guys...hope it will be better than what im xpect!!hmmm...
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Time Lapang mesti nak DATING ngan MR Ps:)
Yuhuuu..ok this entry appears as saje suke2 nak share ape yang jadi biler anim dating ngan Mr Ps....haa??ape yang jadi?ohhh3..selepas raba sana..raba sini..sapu sana sapu sini..picit sana picit sini...then.....taraaa..jadinyer gini larh..

model:Adeq aq "FARIZUL"
this pix editing ala2 black magic gituu..sebab tu jadik cegitu...dark side u know...ngeee....pix asal dok kat mana tah..carik la pix asal nk taruk sini...
next pix...

this time i'll try to create pix ala2 stereographic pixture...haa..pic neh pown ilang dy punye real pix...ape na jadik xtawu...tapi pic neh diamek dekat area2 Bukit Keteri Perlis...time anim wat praktikal dulu...
setakat neh dulu yer...nk pegi makan..lapar...bye..

model:Adeq aq "FARIZUL"
this pix editing ala2 black magic gituu..sebab tu jadik cegitu...dark side u know...ngeee....pix asal dok kat mana tah..carik la pix asal nk taruk sini...
next pix...

this time i'll try to create pix ala2 stereographic pixture...haa..pic neh pown ilang dy punye real pix...ape na jadik xtawu...tapi pic neh diamek dekat area2 Bukit Keteri Perlis...time anim wat praktikal dulu...
setakat neh dulu yer...nk pegi makan..lapar...bye..
Mr Photoshop
Hey guys...apa habaq??sihat la naaa...tapi kan..sekarang ramai owang b musim sakit kot...anim pown ari tu jatuh sakit jugak...nasib da baek dah sekarang..weee...maklum laaa..sekarang kan cuaca panas so for u alls kat luar sana..jangan lupa lak minum ayaq kosong banyak2 okies??baek untuk kesihatan tu haaa...
Hey...ampa semua...ampa semua nak taw sekarang neh..anim tengah jatuh cinta ngan satu cita yang tengah ditayangkan kat tv3..cita pa???cita VANILA COKLAT...oh sweet...amir yang sngt2 sweet + zara yang sangat cumel...memang terbaik lah..heee..kalaw ampa xtengok cita tu rugi ohhh..hee..promote2..(put ur hands up sape yang suke tgk VANILA COKLAT anim nak tengok..kot2 laaa ada geng yang minat tengok cite tu jugak...heeee...
Ok..sekarang anim da mula start cuti MID SEM..ohhh..nikmat..but tak la nikmat sangat kan...WHY??sebab final projek anim tengah mengejar anim..wooow..siriusly penat okies...+anim amek muet..21/2/2012 neh test speaking...memang abis laaa...xtawu pe langsung...err..takut...#punya la takut sampai termimpi2 ok...adeh...:(
tapi ape yang penting sekarang anim da ade target..nak tawu..meh sini..
#nak study rajin2 supaya dapat pointer ok skit..
#nak carik keje...
#nak kumpul duet....then...
#nak beli rumah...
#nak kahwin...*paling suke...hahaha..gedix..:P
so..this entry..i left it with my latest pic..thanx for those yang sudi bace blog kite n sudi singgah sini...DONT FORGET!!LEAVE ME UR i will get into ur blog back...:)

#motif tengah lapar sekarang neh....

#motif:smile always my frend..walaupown kowang senyum dapat ubati segala galanyer..
taken at:Arelowstuck~~ngeee
Hey...ampa semua...ampa semua nak taw sekarang neh..anim tengah jatuh cinta ngan satu cita yang tengah ditayangkan kat tv3..cita pa???cita VANILA COKLAT...oh sweet...amir yang sngt2 sweet + zara yang sangat cumel...memang terbaik lah..heee..kalaw ampa xtengok cita tu rugi ohhh..hee..promote2..(put ur hands up sape yang suke tgk VANILA COKLAT anim nak tengok..kot2 laaa ada geng yang minat tengok cite tu jugak...heeee...
Ok..sekarang anim da mula start cuti MID SEM..ohhh..nikmat..but tak la nikmat sangat kan...WHY??sebab final projek anim tengah mengejar anim..wooow..siriusly penat okies...+anim amek muet..21/2/2012 neh test speaking...memang abis laaa...xtawu pe langsung...err..takut...#punya la takut sampai termimpi2 ok...adeh...:(
tapi ape yang penting sekarang anim da ade target..nak tawu..meh sini..
#nak study rajin2 supaya dapat pointer ok skit..
#nak carik keje...
#nak kumpul duet....then...
#nak beli rumah...
#nak kahwin...*paling suke...hahaha..gedix..:P
so..this entry..i left it with my latest pic..thanx for those yang sudi bace blog kite n sudi singgah sini...DONT FORGET!!LEAVE ME UR i will get into ur blog back...:)

#motif tengah lapar sekarang neh....

#motif:smile always my frend..walaupown kowang senyum dapat ubati segala galanyer..
taken at:Arelowstuck~~ngeee
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Masa2 Lapang...
Hey...tetibe je rase cam nak pegi berenang..ngee...anyways...HAPPY FEBRUARY all my readers...dont forget..follow me..i will follow u back..:)

jum kite berbasikal..weee...
#ohh..this entry was so simple cuz i need to go to my WEB PROGAMMING class..but still just want to post this entry...wuuu..:)

jum kite berbasikal..weee...
#ohh..this entry was so simple cuz i need to go to my WEB PROGAMMING class..but still just want to post this entry...wuuu..:)