Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hari Apew Eh....

Yuhuuu..Hi semua..apew kabar??Hope semua sihat-sihat la yer.... Sejak 2 ari lepas neyh..Hanym selalu sakit paler..adehh...nape yer...ntah tak tawu laa...hope sangat-sangat Mr Headache neyh...pergi jao2..tak larat menanggung kesakitan lol... Hmmm..Hari neyh 7 APRIL 2011...adew apew yer dengan tarikh is my bff birthday u....waaa...da masuk 20 dah engkau yer...hikhik..Hanym muder lagik!!yeay...

This entry special to : Miss Zaitun Happy birthday to you.... Happy birthday to you.... Happy birthday to Eton.... Happy birthday to you.... Uit3...adiah tak der rini..nanti Hanym kasi yer...mmuah3..cyunk my wish.... Hope u will get what u want,enjoy ur life,stdy smart,n take care ok!!Dah besar dah pown engkau yer....tak leh jadik budak2 lagik!!yeay...hehe..:)

1 comment:

  1. epy bezday to ur bff...

    jom singgah n follow belog fyna.
