Assalamualaikum semua...
Apa khabar...yup..such a long time hanym tak update blog...buzy sikit...tapi tak per...actually hanym update kali neh nak ucapkan SELAMAT BERPUASA pada semua umat ISLAM di dunia neh...yeay...bertemu kembali sekali lagi ramadan pada tahun neh dengan hanym
Ramadan kali neh berbeza...teramat berbeza...berpuasa tanpa orang yang hanym sayangi..iaitu Allahyarhama Norashikin Othman adalah satu perkara baru yang perlu hanym tempuhi...menangis hati neh tak de sapa pon taw okies..tapi takpa...kita yang masih hidup neh...perlu la sedaya upaya untuk teruskan kehidupan kita dan sabar serta tabah hadapi dugaan..sebab apa Allah turunkan dugaan untuk hambanya?sebab ALLAH swt sayang akan hambanya...okies... hanym ada masa hari neh..hanym ada wat tutorial nak pakai shawl cara hanym...simple n senang sangat-sangat..inspired by bulan ramadan neh..hanym wat tutorial neh untuk hanym share ngan kawan-kawan semua..hope ampa semua suka okayy??
Please click here... :)
Haaa...amacam?jum la try simple okies...Jum...nak masak juadah berbuka pulak...jumpa lagik!!byee... :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Hi semua...apa khabar?sihat?erm..rasanya dah lama kot hanim tak hupdate blog neh haaa...
Bukannye hanim tak mau update tapi itu lah..kan..tak terupdate jugak blog neh...Actually..hanim agak sibuk sekarang neh..WHY??because hanim sekarang tengah join program ASET..apa tu...err...ASET means Accelerate Skills Enhancement Training...a lot of benefit you all..tak rugi hanim luang kan masa join training neh...sekarang dah masuk ada lagi 3week...cant wait to end this program...then i will find my job..Further Study....nanti2 kot..tapi yang penting nak kena cari keje dulu...
Actually this program give me a confident to talk in english in public...then a lot of presentation in the class make me feel more confident to handle presentation or to start to speak...heee..bajet je engkau yer speaking2 bagai....hoho..but the truth a day when you have ability to speak in english well..the percentage of company to hire you is gain you least try la to speak in english..even now pon a lot of interview was in english not you start to speak now..HOW??here some tips for you guys:
1)Wacthing english movie
2)Sing song
3)Read english newspaper
4)Talk with your friend or your family in english
So thats what i do when i want to improve my why not you also try it...ia berbaloi meh..tak rugi pon..:)
Green ya!!heeee...see next posting okies..take care..Assalamualaikum..:)
Hi semua...apa khabar?sihat?erm..rasanya dah lama kot hanim tak hupdate blog neh haaa...
Bukannye hanim tak mau update tapi itu lah..kan..tak terupdate jugak blog neh...Actually..hanim agak sibuk sekarang neh..WHY??because hanim sekarang tengah join program ASET..apa tu...err...ASET means Accelerate Skills Enhancement Training...a lot of benefit you all..tak rugi hanim luang kan masa join training neh...sekarang dah masuk ada lagi 3week...cant wait to end this program...then i will find my job..Further Study....nanti2 kot..tapi yang penting nak kena cari keje dulu...
Actually this program give me a confident to talk in english in public...then a lot of presentation in the class make me feel more confident to handle presentation or to start to speak...heee..bajet je engkau yer speaking2 bagai....hoho..but the truth a day when you have ability to speak in english well..the percentage of company to hire you is gain you least try la to speak in english..even now pon a lot of interview was in english not you start to speak now..HOW??here some tips for you guys:
1)Wacthing english movie
2)Sing song
3)Read english newspaper
4)Talk with your friend or your family in english
So thats what i do when i want to improve my why not you also try it...ia berbaloi meh..tak rugi pon..:)
Green ya!!heeee...see next posting okies..take care..Assalamualaikum..:)
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Hencik Hubby dapat Cetokin bawu??
Hey..amacam??da try tutorial semalam?senang je ari neh anim nak cerita plak pasai sapa??HUBBY??hubby mana plak dah neh...alaaaa..yang tu laaaaa....yang tuuuuu...hekhek...gediks..ok...btw...sudah sekian lama dy tak tukaq cetokin so tetibe plak asa cam nk kasi dy cetokin laaa ada member cowang neh yang kiut miut yang sanggup tolong watkan cetokin cik hubby saya menjadi cetokin bawu..yeayy..luv u!!hehehe.. >.<
So...jum tengok apa yang dah jadik ngan encik hubby saya..:)
Sampai macam neh sekali encik hubby saya diperlakukan..huwaaa..cian dy..;(
gini lah jadik nyer before tukaq cetokin bawu....
Hohooo..pokerpokerpoker face~~~~
then!!taraaaaa...hencemnye encik hubby saya dengna cetokin bawu..wewitttt....
Haha..mood ciwieee..padahal owang len pon dok boh cetokin wana wani jugak kt moto depa...kankankan..tapi ade i kisah?noob..hahaha
Soo...the end~~happy story bcuz encik hubby dapat cetokin bawu..:)
credit to:Encik Cirocirociro..sbb jaga n kasi cetokin bawu kat en hubby neh..:)
See yaa!!
Hey..amacam??da try tutorial semalam?senang je ari neh anim nak cerita plak pasai sapa??HUBBY??hubby mana plak dah neh...alaaaa..yang tu laaaaa....yang tuuuuu...hekhek...gediks..ok...btw...sudah sekian lama dy tak tukaq cetokin so tetibe plak asa cam nk kasi dy cetokin laaa ada member cowang neh yang kiut miut yang sanggup tolong watkan cetokin cik hubby saya menjadi cetokin bawu..yeayy..luv u!!hehehe.. >.<
So...jum tengok apa yang dah jadik ngan encik hubby saya..:)
Sampai macam neh sekali encik hubby saya diperlakukan..huwaaa..cian dy..;(
gini lah jadik nyer before tukaq cetokin bawu....
Hohooo..pokerpokerpoker face~~~~
then!!taraaaaa...hencemnye encik hubby saya dengna cetokin bawu..wewitttt....
Haha..mood ciwieee..padahal owang len pon dok boh cetokin wana wani jugak kt moto depa...kankankan..tapi ade i kisah?noob..hahaha
Soo...the end~~happy story bcuz encik hubby dapat cetokin bawu..:)
credit to:Encik Cirocirociro..sbb jaga n kasi cetokin bawu kat en hubby neh..:)
See yaa!!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Tutorial Again~~~
Apa kabar semua....anim arap semuanya sihat-sihat today...anim coming with a tutorial how to wear like turban style tapi its cover our neck okies...sooo..sape-sape yang takde inner neck to boley la try this 1 tengok....
#sowie gelap sikit..bcuz record gune webbie jep..:)
Sooo...thank you so much for jenguk2 sini..:)
Apa kabar semua....anim arap semuanya sihat-sihat today...anim coming with a tutorial how to wear like turban style tapi its cover our neck okies...sooo..sape-sape yang takde inner neck to boley la try this 1 tengok....
#sowie gelap sikit..bcuz record gune webbie jep..:)
tutorial shawl
Monday, May 21, 2012
Hey Guy's..:)
Hey guys...ape khabar...hope semua sihat2 selalu la yer...
Hari neh Hanym just nak share chord lagu...lagu yang anim selalu main sekarang...
Hey guys...ape khabar...hope semua sihat2 selalu la yer...
Hari neh Hanym just nak share chord lagu...lagu yang anim selalu main sekarang...
Intro: Am, C, G, F
Am C
I let it fall, my heart,
And as it fell, you rose to claim it,
Am C
It was dark and I was over,
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me,
Am C
My hands, they're strong,
but my knees were far too weak,
Am C
To stand in your arms
without falling to your feet,
F Am
But there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew,
F Am
All the things you'd say, they were never true, never true,
And the games you'd play, you would always win, always win,
But I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried,
Dm G
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name,
Am C
When lay with you
I could stay there, close my eyes,
Am C
feel you here forever,
You and me together, nothing is better,
[ Tab from: ]
F Am
But there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew,
F Am
All the things you'd say, they were never true, never true,
And the games you'd play, you would always win, always win,
But I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried,
Dm G
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name,
I set fire to the rain,
And I threw us into the flames,
Well, I felt something die,
Dm G
'Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time,
Am C
Sometimes I wake up by the door,
And heard you calling, must be waiting for you,
Am C
Even now when we're already over,
I can't help myself from looking for you,
But I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried,
Dm G
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name,
I set fire to the rain,
And I threw us into the flames,
Well, I felt something die,
Dm G
'Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time,
[Chords Chorus]
Soo...ape lagi...jum layan..:)
Oh, no,
Let it burn, oh,
Let it burn,
Let it burn.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Hey posting just for fun~~
*AMARAN KERAS:suara xsedap pon but just for entertaint..xsalah pon kan...jum layan~~
(sorry kalau sound xclear..record gune webcam jep pon..:)
Jum klik sini
Sebelum tu..tempek muke neh haa dulu..peace..:)
Sebelum tu..tempek muke neh haa dulu..peace..:)
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
GELABAH ja habaq mai kat hang~~
Assalamualaikum n hi readers..:)
Apa khabar?hope semua nya sihat2 belaka la yer....xtually hanym demam..nape ntah en demam neh xmo pegi jauh2...kcian kiter terpaksa menanggung kerenah en demam neh sape demam kat sini??angkat tgn..ehh2...demam jugak kamoo??heee..kalau demam...makan la ubat n rest banyak2 but...itu xbermaksud kamoo boley goyang kaki without doing anything...xmo malas2 okies?
Hanym ari neh nak share something great with u larhh...mana xnye..neh experience hanym okies..apa2??tertanya2 bukan okies..meh dengar cheq nak ceghita neh....
PLACE:TEPI HIGHWAY CHANGLUN-ARAU(yer laaa..kite bawu jep kuar dari poly nak alek umah..bukan jejalan okies..)
Lepas sikit jep dari traffic lite ptss tu cam ne entah tergerak hati neh...nak usha meter kan...usha2...pergh mak aiiii...temperature kete!!sikit lagi nak MERAH..omg2..what should i do?bisikku dalam hati...errr..gelabah?alittle bit..cuz anim bg signal berenti tepi jalan...think3!!!alamak..dalam kete memang tak de spare na la kan...
time tuu..anim kene wat decision..samada nak stop tepi jalan or teruskan perjalanan...then...anim wat decision nak stop kat warung mak cik jual goreng pisang...which depan sikit dr tempat anim stop tu...then nasib baek la kan..warung makcik tu bukak..then anim pon mintak tolong la kat dia...bukan suwuh dia repairkn kete tu tapi mintak air..nak taruk lam cooler...huhuuu....(nasib makcik tu baik...peramah plak tu..dy kasik 1baldi...hahaha..amek kau kan...)
then anim pon bukak laaa...bonet keta tu...Bismillahirahmanirahim....pergh!!!!berasap lol..hahaha..panas tu baq hang...memang panas sangat la kan....huuuu..kalau pecah telur entah2 boley masak pe...heeee....:p

ohhhh..Mr.Blue wat hal tadik!!nasib Cik Hanym terer sal kete...
to be continue.....
Apa khabar?hope semua nya sihat2 belaka la yer....xtually hanym demam..nape ntah en demam neh xmo pegi jauh2...kcian kiter terpaksa menanggung kerenah en demam neh sape demam kat sini??angkat tgn..ehh2...demam jugak kamoo??heee..kalau demam...makan la ubat n rest banyak2 but...itu xbermaksud kamoo boley goyang kaki without doing anything...xmo malas2 okies?
Hanym ari neh nak share something great with u larhh...mana xnye..neh experience hanym okies..apa2??tertanya2 bukan okies..meh dengar cheq nak ceghita neh....
PLACE:TEPI HIGHWAY CHANGLUN-ARAU(yer laaa..kite bawu jep kuar dari poly nak alek umah..bukan jejalan okies..)
Lepas sikit jep dari traffic lite ptss tu cam ne entah tergerak hati neh...nak usha meter kan...usha2...pergh mak aiiii...temperature kete!!sikit lagi nak MERAH..omg2..what should i do?bisikku dalam hati...errr..gelabah?alittle bit..cuz anim bg signal berenti tepi jalan...think3!!!alamak..dalam kete memang tak de spare na la kan...
time tuu..anim kene wat decision..samada nak stop tepi jalan or teruskan perjalanan...then...anim wat decision nak stop kat warung mak cik jual goreng pisang...which depan sikit dr tempat anim stop tu...then nasib baek la kan..warung makcik tu bukak..then anim pon mintak tolong la kat dia...bukan suwuh dia repairkn kete tu tapi mintak air..nak taruk lam cooler...huhuuu....(nasib makcik tu baik...peramah plak tu..dy kasik 1baldi...hahaha..amek kau kan...)
then anim pon bukak laaa...bonet keta tu...Bismillahirahmanirahim....pergh!!!!berasap lol..hahaha..panas tu baq hang...memang panas sangat la kan....huuuu..kalau pecah telur entah2 boley masak pe...heeee....:p

ohhhh..Mr.Blue wat hal tadik!!nasib Cik Hanym terer sal kete...
to be continue.....
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
What??What's wrong with her??
Errr..tengok tajuk cam nak sound orang pon ada jugak..seram pon ada jugok...ish2....tapi tajuk neh sebenarnya di tujukan khas kepada insan yang bernama Pn Norashikin which is my mother...y??xtually ari neh genaplah 24 hari beliau di masukkan ke hospital dan koma xsedarkan diri n xde response ape2 pon...
Macam ne ley jd cm tu?
Ceritanye gini...isnin(27/2/12) pg tu mak anim siap g antar adeq2 gi sekolah..then pe yang sedeyh..dy siap belikan nasik lemak untk anim ngn dy tp kitowang xsempat makan..ari tu..cmne ntah...ttbe je terbangun lewat but dalam kol 8.20am..tok wan datang kejut anim...dy suwuh gi tengok mak kat dapur..anim terpinga2 la dah bawu bangun..sekaliiii..Ya Allah...anim nampak mak anim dah terlentang dengan kepala dy bleeding..anim nmpak kaki dy pon dah pucat jd kuning..then time tu anim sempat tanya dy..mak...jom g hosptal..dy kap xmo...its k...then ttibe..tok long datang n call ambulan datang mek mak..time lam ambulan tu anim ikot skali...huhuu..cian tengok mak...biler dah sampe hsptal...doktor check n cakap..mak ada darah beku...Astaghfirullahalazim...sampai cam tu sekali mak sakit...then sekarang mak ada kat HDW ward...kt Hospital Tuanku Fauziah Perlis...
Kawan2...ramai2 tolong doakan mak anim sihat macam dulu balik...anim sayang dy sngt2..if i could replace her place..i will do nangisss..:(

Miss u mak..:(
Macam ne ley jd cm tu?
Ceritanye gini...isnin(27/2/12) pg tu mak anim siap g antar adeq2 gi sekolah..then pe yang sedeyh..dy siap belikan nasik lemak untk anim ngn dy tp kitowang xsempat makan..ari tu..cmne ntah...ttbe je terbangun lewat but dalam kol 8.20am..tok wan datang kejut anim...dy suwuh gi tengok mak kat dapur..anim terpinga2 la dah bawu bangun..sekaliiii..Ya Allah...anim nampak mak anim dah terlentang dengan kepala dy bleeding..anim nmpak kaki dy pon dah pucat jd kuning..then time tu anim sempat tanya dy..mak...jom g hosptal..dy kap xmo...its k...then ttibe..tok long datang n call ambulan datang mek mak..time lam ambulan tu anim ikot skali...huhuu..cian tengok mak...biler dah sampe hsptal...doktor check n cakap..mak ada darah beku...Astaghfirullahalazim...sampai cam tu sekali mak sakit...then sekarang mak ada kat HDW ward...kt Hospital Tuanku Fauziah Perlis...
Kawan2...ramai2 tolong doakan mak anim sihat macam dulu balik...anim sayang dy sngt2..if i could replace her place..i will do nangisss..:(
Miss u mak..:(
Cerita Hati
Friday, March 16, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Sumpah Aku CUAK!!
Assalamualaikum semua..hey..guess what...bangun je pagi2 terus pikir...oh ner laaa anim nak hadapi test SPEAKING MUET neh haaa..dah la kene awal2 pagi..buat kiranya anim xbangun plak kan pg tu..memang sedap la yer..huuuu..adoi....
Actually anim punye speaking test neh ari SELASA 21/2/2012/..time??7.30am okies..thats make me worry a lot!!memandang kan sekarang neh tengah cuti mid anim kena gerak pegi poly pepagi buta larh...hey..sumpah saya CUAK!!what mean by CUAK?ok2..cuak tu TAKOT lorh..hee..
Memandang kan anim tak amek kelas muet so gini la jadi nyer..gelabah tahap cipan..cipan pown xgelabah cam neh tawu? here..anim nak share sikit ilmu sal SPEAKING TEST for u guys yang nak mek speaking test neh GOOD LUCK lets check it out..:)
Speaking test
If you can speak English naturally, please do all you can to convince the examiners that you have a good command of English during you individual presentation. Otherwise, use short sentences, put forward your main ideas in simple grammatically correct sentences. Do not just harp on a single point, try a few points, the positive side and negative side of an issue, etc. to show that you are not a narrow-minded student.
In the group discussion, you would be able to get a good score if you could lead the discussion. Be warned though, do not overdo it. Give others the opportunities to speak too. You should be polite, try to keep the flow of the discussion and help out should any of the fellow students got stuck in mid-sentence or is stammering. Remember, lead the discussion, keep its flow ("What do you think about this issue?") but do not be extravagant! Like it or not, this test is subjective and you will most probably not get a perfect score here. diatas neh anim godek2 kt PAKCIK GOOGLE hope ley la bantu kiter sikit sebanyak...sape2 ada pendapat ke link..kasi lor...last but not least..anim nak wish to all sape yang amek muet this time n adew test..GOOD LUCK u guys...hope it will be better than what im xpect!!hmmm...
Actually anim punye speaking test neh ari SELASA 21/2/2012/..time??7.30am okies..thats make me worry a lot!!memandang kan sekarang neh tengah cuti mid anim kena gerak pegi poly pepagi buta larh...hey..sumpah saya CUAK!!what mean by CUAK?ok2..cuak tu TAKOT lorh..hee..
Memandang kan anim tak amek kelas muet so gini la jadi nyer..gelabah tahap cipan..cipan pown xgelabah cam neh tawu? here..anim nak share sikit ilmu sal SPEAKING TEST for u guys yang nak mek speaking test neh GOOD LUCK lets check it out..:)
Speaking test
If you can speak English naturally, please do all you can to convince the examiners that you have a good command of English during you individual presentation. Otherwise, use short sentences, put forward your main ideas in simple grammatically correct sentences. Do not just harp on a single point, try a few points, the positive side and negative side of an issue, etc. to show that you are not a narrow-minded student.
In the group discussion, you would be able to get a good score if you could lead the discussion. Be warned though, do not overdo it. Give others the opportunities to speak too. You should be polite, try to keep the flow of the discussion and help out should any of the fellow students got stuck in mid-sentence or is stammering. Remember, lead the discussion, keep its flow ("What do you think about this issue?") but do not be extravagant! Like it or not, this test is subjective and you will most probably not get a perfect score here. diatas neh anim godek2 kt PAKCIK GOOGLE hope ley la bantu kiter sikit sebanyak...sape2 ada pendapat ke link..kasi lor...last but not least..anim nak wish to all sape yang amek muet this time n adew test..GOOD LUCK u guys...hope it will be better than what im xpect!!hmmm...
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Time Lapang mesti nak DATING ngan MR Ps:)
Yuhuuu..ok this entry appears as saje suke2 nak share ape yang jadi biler anim dating ngan Mr Ps....haa??ape yang jadi?ohhh3..selepas raba sana..raba sini..sapu sana sapu sini..picit sana picit sini...then.....taraaa..jadinyer gini larh..

model:Adeq aq "FARIZUL"
this pix editing ala2 black magic gituu..sebab tu jadik cegitu...dark side u know...ngeee....pix asal dok kat mana tah..carik la pix asal nk taruk sini...
next pix...

this time i'll try to create pix ala2 stereographic pixture...haa..pic neh pown ilang dy punye real pix...ape na jadik xtawu...tapi pic neh diamek dekat area2 Bukit Keteri Perlis...time anim wat praktikal dulu...
setakat neh dulu yer...nk pegi makan..lapar...bye..

model:Adeq aq "FARIZUL"
this pix editing ala2 black magic gituu..sebab tu jadik cegitu...dark side u know...ngeee....pix asal dok kat mana tah..carik la pix asal nk taruk sini...
next pix...

this time i'll try to create pix ala2 stereographic pixture...haa..pic neh pown ilang dy punye real pix...ape na jadik xtawu...tapi pic neh diamek dekat area2 Bukit Keteri Perlis...time anim wat praktikal dulu...
setakat neh dulu yer...nk pegi makan..lapar...bye..
Mr Photoshop
Hey guys...apa habaq??sihat la naaa...tapi kan..sekarang ramai owang b musim sakit kot...anim pown ari tu jatuh sakit jugak...nasib da baek dah sekarang..weee...maklum laaa..sekarang kan cuaca panas so for u alls kat luar sana..jangan lupa lak minum ayaq kosong banyak2 okies??baek untuk kesihatan tu haaa...
Hey...ampa semua...ampa semua nak taw sekarang neh..anim tengah jatuh cinta ngan satu cita yang tengah ditayangkan kat tv3..cita pa???cita VANILA COKLAT...oh sweet...amir yang sngt2 sweet + zara yang sangat cumel...memang terbaik lah..heee..kalaw ampa xtengok cita tu rugi ohhh..hee..promote2..(put ur hands up sape yang suke tgk VANILA COKLAT anim nak tengok..kot2 laaa ada geng yang minat tengok cite tu jugak...heeee...
Ok..sekarang anim da mula start cuti MID SEM..ohhh..nikmat..but tak la nikmat sangat kan...WHY??sebab final projek anim tengah mengejar anim..wooow..siriusly penat okies...+anim amek muet..21/2/2012 neh test speaking...memang abis laaa...xtawu pe langsung...err..takut...#punya la takut sampai termimpi2 ok...adeh...:(
tapi ape yang penting sekarang anim da ade target..nak tawu..meh sini..
#nak study rajin2 supaya dapat pointer ok skit..
#nak carik keje...
#nak kumpul duet....then...
#nak beli rumah...
#nak kahwin...*paling suke...hahaha..gedix..:P
so..this entry..i left it with my latest pic..thanx for those yang sudi bace blog kite n sudi singgah sini...DONT FORGET!!LEAVE ME UR i will get into ur blog back...:)

#motif tengah lapar sekarang neh....

#motif:smile always my frend..walaupown kowang senyum dapat ubati segala galanyer..
taken at:Arelowstuck~~ngeee
Hey...ampa semua...ampa semua nak taw sekarang neh..anim tengah jatuh cinta ngan satu cita yang tengah ditayangkan kat tv3..cita pa???cita VANILA COKLAT...oh sweet...amir yang sngt2 sweet + zara yang sangat cumel...memang terbaik lah..heee..kalaw ampa xtengok cita tu rugi ohhh..hee..promote2..(put ur hands up sape yang suke tgk VANILA COKLAT anim nak tengok..kot2 laaa ada geng yang minat tengok cite tu jugak...heeee...
Ok..sekarang anim da mula start cuti MID SEM..ohhh..nikmat..but tak la nikmat sangat kan...WHY??sebab final projek anim tengah mengejar anim..wooow..siriusly penat okies...+anim amek muet..21/2/2012 neh test speaking...memang abis laaa...xtawu pe langsung...err..takut...#punya la takut sampai termimpi2 ok...adeh...:(
tapi ape yang penting sekarang anim da ade target..nak tawu..meh sini..
#nak study rajin2 supaya dapat pointer ok skit..
#nak carik keje...
#nak kumpul duet....then...
#nak beli rumah...
#nak kahwin...*paling suke...hahaha..gedix..:P
so..this entry..i left it with my latest pic..thanx for those yang sudi bace blog kite n sudi singgah sini...DONT FORGET!!LEAVE ME UR i will get into ur blog back...:)

#motif tengah lapar sekarang neh....

#motif:smile always my frend..walaupown kowang senyum dapat ubati segala galanyer..
taken at:Arelowstuck~~ngeee
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Masa2 Lapang...
Hey...tetibe je rase cam nak pegi berenang..ngee...anyways...HAPPY FEBRUARY all my readers...dont forget..follow me..i will follow u back..:)

jum kite berbasikal..weee...
#ohh..this entry was so simple cuz i need to go to my WEB PROGAMMING class..but still just want to post this entry...wuuu..:)

jum kite berbasikal..weee...
#ohh..this entry was so simple cuz i need to go to my WEB PROGAMMING class..but still just want to post this entry...wuuu..:)
Friday, January 27, 2012
Jalan-jalan ke China..(err..)
Assalamualaikum...hi guys...wassup?sihat?sory...lame xupdate...WHY??sebab sekarang neyh anim tengah giat@pulun wat final projek..maklum laaa...last sem CNY ari tu...anim ad amek masa skit bawak adeq2 n anak buah tersyg pergi CHINA?huhhh..betul ke??op coz ler tipooo kan...but its true kat PERLIS pown ade tempat cam kat CHINA okies...
Itu yang paling besh n wajib kowang pa lagii..pakat2 mai la perlih neh..(promote2...)
Jum layan2 pix neh...xde la bnyak tapi bley la..
See..its true...situation same as kt CHINA..betul x?but its PINK!!love it...

Heee..anak buah tersayang...

Mohd Danish Ayzeb a.k.a mat Den!!love u lar...
okies..nk p kelas plak...see yaaa...:)
Itu yang paling besh n wajib kowang pa lagii..pakat2 mai la perlih neh..(promote2...)
Jum layan2 pix neh...xde la bnyak tapi bley la..
See..its true...situation same as kt CHINA..betul x?but its PINK!!love it...

Heee..anak buah tersayang...

Mohd Danish Ayzeb a.k.a mat Den!!love u lar...
okies..nk p kelas plak...see yaaa...:)
Thursday, January 12, 2012
OK!!Saya bangga saya OGHANG PENGELIH!!weeeehoooo..:)
Ok..ntah macam mana xtaw tiba2 ja teringin nak post cm neh haa...ok..Hanym memang owang penghelih tp xberapa sangat nak cakap peghelih..WHAT??i mean..peghelih pekat here...hanym nk introduce skit laguu peghelih..kot2 ampa semua xtaw..hehe...hidup pengelih..weee:)
Lirik lagu peghelih(PERLIS):
Amin.. amin..
Ya Rabaljalil...
Doa hamba yang sangat zalil...
Tinggikan daulat serta adil...
Kekal perintah Jamalullail....
Jumpa lagik..bubye..:)
Lirik lagu peghelih(PERLIS):
Amin.. amin..
Ya Rabaljalil...
Doa hamba yang sangat zalil...
Tinggikan daulat serta adil...
Kekal perintah Jamalullail....
Jumpa lagik..bubye..:)
Friday, January 6, 2012
Sharing is Caring kan3...
Hey gurls out first tuto to wear hijab for look..ngeee..hope it will be ur guide to become more beautiful and pretty...
May be this tuto have been posting by other people before this but this is my version..hope u all will like it..lurve u...see yaa..:)
tutorial shawl
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Waaaaaah....2012 sudahhh...:)
Hi guys...apa khabar semuaa...hope kowang sume sihat lorrr...haaa..amacam??dah tahun bawu semua nak bawu..oppss..xsemua ley bawu nak ngade2 nak tukar pakwe bawu plakkan..hahaha...maklum lar...tahun bawu kan....heee..
This entry just to wish for those who come to my blog and like to godek2 kat sini...HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 n hope everything will be fine and may GOD bless all of us..ok?So..another video i'm playing guitar with new song..wait yaa..ngeee(padahal kowang wt derk jep pown kan kat blog kite neh...huuuu..cedyh..:()
So this year will be my last year for my study...weee...xsabar nyer nak abish study....sekarang neh kitowang tengah rancak planning untuk final projek kitowang..hope semua nya berjalan dengan lancarr...wish me luck!!:)

**pix neh diambil 31/12/11//wuuuuu...say gud bye to 2011..welcome 2012...hope this will be my lucky year!!:)
Hi guys...apa khabar semuaa...hope kowang sume sihat lorrr...haaa..amacam??dah tahun bawu semua nak bawu..oppss..xsemua ley bawu nak ngade2 nak tukar pakwe bawu plakkan..hahaha...maklum lar...tahun bawu kan....heee..
This entry just to wish for those who come to my blog and like to godek2 kat sini...HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 n hope everything will be fine and may GOD bless all of us..ok?So..another video i'm playing guitar with new song..wait yaa..ngeee(padahal kowang wt derk jep pown kan kat blog kite neh...huuuu..cedyh..:()
So this year will be my last year for my study...weee...xsabar nyer nak abish study....sekarang neh kitowang tengah rancak planning untuk final projek kitowang..hope semua nya berjalan dengan lancarr...wish me luck!!:)

**pix neh diambil 31/12/11//wuuuuu...say gud bye to 2011..welcome 2012...hope this will be my lucky year!!:)
Lot of Lurve