Well..i know..i leave for a long time..so...here i come back with new story...ahaks...(err...ko..nk speaking plak kan tetiba ja..=.=''_
Ahhaaa..so..apa habaq semua...sorry nohh lama xaktif berblogging neh...since da kerja sekarang...memang masa sangat terhad...sooo..i got a lot of story to tell u guys..but lets start with my life story...heeee...
12.12.2013...the precious date that i will always remember...why??Since tu lah date i got engaged!heee...suka2..we move to the next stage..and now we will move to other stage...acecey...macam main game plak kan...
soo..jum...nak tempek gambiaq seround..
Heee..nahh..cheq dah siap wat compilation untuk tatapan ampa semua..keliaa dak?? |
so..till we meet again...na tidoq lu..esk rejaa....bubbye..
Assalamualaikum v(^_^)